Saturday, February 19, 2005

Yay...Super Progress!!!

Julia has a website, and something that I don't want to do is try to re-create it here...I guess I see this blog as a sort of online diary I can use to record the little daily details of our lives and Julia's progress.

Along that line, we are very excited about several new developments. Julia is cruising furniture with ease now, and is beginning to transfer herself between furniture or people. This is a happy/sad thing for us...thrilling because we are seeing this skill (pre-walking) emerge after months of concerted effort, and sad because every gross motor milestone that she meets lessens our chances of Julia receiving PT when she transitions out of the Early Intervention program in December. If Julia is able to navigate through her environment when she goes to Pre-school in 10 months then it will be difficult to obtain PT services for her. The downside of this is that even though the rudiments of walking may be in place, much more work will need to be done before this skill is fluid and automatic. I have ambivalent feelings about this. I keep reminding myself that I need not borrow tomorrow's trouble today! And we really are thrilled about every bit of progress that we see.

Julia saw her geneticist for a follow-up this past Monday, and he was truthfully amazed at her progress. We know that it is because of a gracious and loving God that Julia is doing so well. I told him this. I also made the suggestion that her successes ares due to the early intervention programs. While he agreed with me, he also feels that our family dynamics have the biggest influence on Julia's progress. He told us that Julia's progress is due to how we relate to her, and to our following up on the therapist's "homework" suggestions. It is gratifying to be validated by one of Julia's professionals, but we also know our weaknesses and limitations. Jesus Christ is the reason for Julia's progress!!! Because of Him we have HOPE and He gives us the strength to be consistent. What an honor to be trusted with this great treasure!

Julia now has 18 signs that she uses consistently to communicate her needs and wants to us. This is so exciting!

Here is a list:

All done
Thank you
Nods for yes
Shakes head for no
Waves for hi/bye
Praise Jesus/So Big (same sign...her use depends on context)

She also identifies several body parts such as:


In addition to all of this great communication Julia also will initiate reciprocal games like Peek-a-Boo and Row-Row-Row-Your-Boat. The fact that she participates at all is great, but when she initiates playing with us we are always thrilled. She is also clapping and stomping when we sing "If You're Happy and You Know It" and will imitate the spider in "Eensy Weensy Spider."

Well...our 26 month old who would "never walk or talk" is doing great! Thank you, Jesus!

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