Tuesday, July 12, 2005

I lost a friend the other day...

Really, the truth is that the world lost a friend...a man who cared about the human condition and worked tirelessly to help humanity. It seems that everyone I know is blogging, journaling or talking about Mike English who was suddenly and tragically taken from us on Saturday, July 10, 2005.

There is no way to define Mike...I can only talk about him from my experiences and observations. Since I was a teenager Mike has been a presence in my life...sometimes sarcastic, but always caring, kind and giving...I think that is the word I would use to describe Mike...giving. He gave in every way possible to everyone he could. He gave
time, attention, finances, words of encouragement (and the occasional kick in the behind...always justified), and smiles and touch.

I grieve deeply for his lovely wife Jennifer and their 5 beautiful children...Noah, Chandler, Grayson, Ian and Analese (yes...a little girl after all those boys!!!)

So...a couple of my Mike Moments...

Mike was always took special time for Julia. After a Sunday night service I was praying with Julia...just standing there, not really praying for her as much as holding her as I prayed...if that makes any sense! As I stood there I could feel someone put their hand on Julia, but I didn't look up...Julia is blessed to have people pray for her often. When this hand didn't leave for some time however, I became curious and glanced up...it was Mike, both his hands on her back, his face lifted heavenward and tears running down his face and into his collar. I have no idea what he was asking for...but I have no doubt but that part of her great progress can be linked to the prayers of our friend Mike.

And just a week or two ago Julia was making tons of noise in church. I wearily got up (for the dozenth time) to wheel her little chair out into the foyer till she calmed when Mike met me at the door. He patted Julia on the head and said "You sing, baby...you sing all you want." And to me: "Let her talk...she's ok." Now, both he and I knew that Julia couldn't disrupt the service, but he was acknowledging Julia and her voice, which is not always appropriate but always deserves to be heard...and her way of communicating what she needs/wants. I felt that he was gently reminding me to consider once again what Julia is trying to "say" to me. As I have mentioned in previous posts, communication is probably the largest single concern of families who have a member with CDC.

So...we grieve the loss of a great man today...one who put his God and his family first, and always held out a helping hand to others. I only hope that we can continue his legacy and that his spirit will live on in us...the willingness to reach out to others and touch their lives, whether lovely or unlovely, and to give sacrificially to the work of God and the needs of humanity. I personally am stepping up to the plate...I know no other way to truly honor Mike.

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