Saturday, December 17, 2005

HO~HO~HO...and all that jazz!

Yesterday I had to take Julia to see the doctor...104 degree fevers and MORE STOMATITIS...auugghh! But we are thankful that this course of antibiotics (sigh) is the first since last May. That is huge! It is a little sad that she's sick during this joyous time. We have so many family traditions that we enjoy every year, and she is missing a bit. We did go and get our tree, and get it decorated. Julia even "helped" a little. Next week we do the holiday baking and go on our annual "Light Tour" with our friends, the Kings.

Well, we had Julia's IEP meeting and it went extremely well. We were given everything we asked for...which is a comfort. Julia will be attending an all special needs school 5 days a week, and have 45-60 minute PT, OT, and Speech sessions once a week. Julia will also be able to continue working with her current PT, which means a great deal to us. Michelle will be Julia's only "carry over" therapist. I am glad that there will be at least one constant thing in Julia's services...she will see Michelle at the Easter Seals clinic during her normal time every week. ES doesn't offer ST once children graduate from the Early Intervention program to the school age program (NPA), and Julia will be seeing Stephanie, a therapist who is currently working with 2 other little girls who have CDC. This is a great opportunity for Julia...but we will miss Nancy dreadfully!

Julia's OT sessions will continue with ES as well, although with a new therapist. We are sorry that Julia isn't able to continue to work with Teresa, who has been so instrumental in helping us understand and manage Julia's sensory integration disfunction, and who has helped her achieve great progress in her fine motor goals. However, we have adopted her as "Auntie Teresa"...I mean, how do you walk away from someone who has worked with your child 1-2 hours a week for over 2 years? I see more of Teresa and Michelle than I do some of my blood family!

CDS services are also not carried over into the NPA program, but Julia's cognitive, social and emotional skills will be addressed during her time at school. We regret saying goodbye to Suzanne, who has made remarkable progress with Julia in the time she has worked with her.

January 3 is the
RED LETTER DAY when Julia starts school. I am actually very excited about her attending Jessie Baker and about the wonderful people who will work with her. We have already attended one trial session and Julia enjoyed her time in Miss Lisa's class. So, we shall see!

Happy holidays to all of you in cyberspace...we pray that you and yours are blessed beyond comprehension!

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