Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Julia celebrates Julia!

The funniest thing happened yesterday. Victoria was browsing through Julia's website. Julia came over and wanted to get up on her lap. Victoria picked her up and kept looking at the pages on the website. Julia sat there for a minute, just grooving to the music when suddenly she became very excited. She started shouting "Ooo-eee-uh! Bay-be Ooo-eee-uh! Meeee! Meee!" She had seen a picture of herself as a baby on the page and identified herself! She was so funny...clapping, shouting, laughing and pointing to herself.

Victoria took her through the pages and she amazed us by identifing -by name- the vast majority of people in the pictures...even folks that we don't know well or see often. It was a very "connected" moment for her cognitively. Not only was she able to pull up the information mentally, she was able to verbally express what she was thinking.

Yay!!!! Go, JULIA!!!


Kari Morgan said...

How awesome!!! That is so cool...I LOVE all you Ezell people!

michelle hays said...

you probably dont know it, but Ive been reading your blogs and am THRILLED to bits about her AMAZING progress!!!

Congratulations to you all.