Wednesday, November 22, 2006

WALKS ALONE.....November 21, 2006

On Julia's website there is a milestones page. I created the page in November of 2003...right before Julia's 1st birthday. The last milestone listed is "Walks alone". Over the last 3 years we have watched Julia achieve one milestone after another. We rejoiced when she smiled, rolled over for the first time, pulled to stand, crawled and said her first word.

Yesterday I cried all day. Julia walked more than she crawled or scooted. She walked with no assistance hand to hold, no walker, no support of any kind. She walked all over the house and over and around obstacles. She even navigated through a crowd of people after church service last night. It is only fair to point out that most of the people stopped dead in their tracks to watch was amazing, and more than one tear was shed. So many people at
The Rock Church love Julia and our family, and have supported and encouraged us unconditionally.

I was so overwhelmed to be given this gift the week of Thanksgiving. I feel that as of 11/21/06 Julia is officially WALKING! She has taken many independent steps before now, but never has she chosen to walk (without our encouragement)when she could crawl!!! Yay, Julia!!! Yay, Auntie Michelle!! (Julia's former PT who is still very invested in Julia's progress and has become a part of our family) Also, many thanks to Cheri who has taken over Julia's PT work in the last 2 months.

And most of all, thank you, Jesus! It's no mistake that the song we chose for the milestones page says "Count your blessings, name them one by one...count your blessings, see what God has done!!"


Kim said...

What incredible news, Beth! I can't imagine the joy you must be experiencing, and I rejoice with you and thank our gracious Lord for this Thanksgiving gift!

michelle hays said...

Im so happy for you! After MUCH struggle, my daughter has taken her first steps as well. A year ago, we were told she wouldnt ever walk. But sometimes drs. dont see what God sees. I was looking for parents in similar situations and stumbled on your blog. I look forward to reading more updates on your sweet little girl.