Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Too sweet for words...

Always sisters...always friends!

It has been such a long time since I posted on any of our blogs...life is insane for us during the summer! Hopefully, now that Ladies Retreat, Kidz Musical, C.O.D.E. conference and Senior Camp are over, I can get back on track! I wouldn't trade one activity! I am thankful for all that God allows us to do, and for my precious husband who, although he is not a believer himself, encourages us to be involved in many different activities.

Julia is making awesome progress in so many areas! To get the full picture, check out the June update on her website:
Celebrating Julia!

Julia is now combining up to 3 VERBAL words in a sentence! Granted, they are word approximations, such as "mo" for "more", but we understand her, and she has finally "gotten" it...she can TALK to us! It is the neatest thing to hear her little voice say "Mo, mama, pease!" We do rejoice over this achievement ("We're so sorry, Mrs. Ezell...but Julia will most likely be non-verbal..."), and are also thankful that her signing vocabulary is now over 60 words, used consistently and appropriately! Thank you, Jesus!

Julia is becoming quite proficient in her walker...but the sweetest thing is when Olivia helps her steer! How blessed we are to have been given such a sacred trust...all seven of them!

1 comment:

Kim said...

It's so great to hear an update...and such a fantastic one too! Way to go, Julia!

Did you get my email?