Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Cookie, please!

I haven't posted on any of the blogs for almost 2 months. One reason is I spent 29 days in Oregon. (Last of July and most of August!) My kids graciously sent me to visit my dearest friend for my birthday and I spent 19 glorious days with the Kings in Coos Bay. We had a fabulous time! I spent 12 days at home before returning...this time WITH my children...to spend another 10 days. This post is about something Julia did while we were there.

One of the things that we did during the second visit was participate in a Music is for Kidz production at the church the Kings pastor there. Julia was able to be a fully integrated member of the cast and it was wonderful to see her interacting with new children and adults. On Saturday, after a week of practices, we had a pizza party for all the kids and helpers. Everyone crowded downstairs into the multi-purpose room and Amy Jo made the following announcement:

"Listen up everybody...you may have seconds on the pizza, but you have to show an adult your empty plate before you can have a cookie."

There was the normal hustle-bustle of 25 children and 8-10 adult helpers as she told the kids this. Julia did not seem to pay attention to Amy Jo and those of you who know Julia well understand how distracted she is by any visual or auditory stimulation.

Julia got her piece of pizza and sat down at one of the tables to eat. A few minutes she walked into the kitchen and up to Amy Jo and me. She handed Amy Jo her empty plate and then patted my arm. Pointing to the cookies (0n the other counter) she asked me "Pease?" (Her approxomation of the word please.)

We were floored! Julia not only heard Amy Jo's announcement, but she processed it, understood it, and after a 10 minute delay remembered and acted on it! WOW!!!!

Oh...and Amy Jo gave her TWO cookies!!!!!!!!!!


Kim said...

That is fabulous!

And it's good to hear you have been having a great time while you were "silent!"

Lauren said...

Thank you again for continuing to share Julia's amazing gifts.
