Thursday, March 16, 2006

Intentional Communication

Very early this morning I heard Julia "talking" in her room, so I went in to get her. I took her back to bed with me and as we lay there I began to talk to her about her day. I was amazed at how much she understood!

Me: Julia, do you know what we're going to do today?

Julia: Shakes head no

Me: You're going to go to school!

Julia: (5-10 second delay) signs "school-Lisa (her teacher)-work"

Me: Yes! That's right! You're going to school to see Miss Lisa and you'll do some work there. Do you want to go to school?

Julia: Nods yes

Me: Then do you know what we're going to do?

Julia: Shakes head no

Me: After school we're going to see Miss Stephane. (Speech Therapy)

Julia: Puts her finger in her mouth (her sign for oral motor work) and signs "work"

Me: You're right! You're going to work with Miss Stephane on talking and signing. Do you want to see Miss Stephane?

Julia: Nods head yes

Me: Then we're going to Easter Seals to see Michelle! (Physical Therapy)

Julia: BIG grins and claps

Me: Do you want to go play with Michelle?

Julia: Vigorous nodding and clapping

Me: AND you're going to go swimming with Michelle. Do you want to go swimming?

Julia: Vigorous nodding, clapping and loud vocalizations.

SO...all of this from a child that wasn't "supposed" to communicate much, if at all! HA!!! I am so thankful and proud of Julia!

One last incident:

Last night in choir practice Julia was having a drink from a water bottle. We had to stand and go over a part and so I put the water away. While we were standing she began to sign for "drink" over and over. I told her that I would give her a drink when we sat down.

Normally this would not deter her...she would continue to sign until she got what she wanted. I was surprised when she stopped asking for a drink. It took several minutes for us to finish the part and sit down.

THE MINUTE we sat down Julia tapped me on the arm and signed for "drink."

I'd say she understands...wouldn't you?!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Wow, that is fantastic!

I am thrilled for you and for Julia, of course, too.