Thursday, March 09, 2006


Today in PT at the Easter Seals Clinic, Julia blew us all away when she took SEVEN TOTALLY INDEPENDENT STEPS!!!!!! Michelle (PT) was "shadowing" her closely, but she was not touching her AT ALL when Julia walked towards me!!!! Of course, we didn't have the camera handy, and even if we had it happened so quickly I don't think we could have gotten pictures...but it will forever be emblazoned on my me!!!!!

I know this doesn't mean that she will be running marathons next week or anything, but it demonstrates so much progress we are thrilled.

Something I am learning is that all of the body's systems are completely integrated and affect one another. Julia's fine motor and speech cannot significantly improve until her trunk is stable and midline is integrated. All of the "fine" skills grow out of stability in the gross motor skills. If all her attention and energy is directed toward just keeping herself upright or balanced there is little left over to focus on speech or controlling her arms, hands and fingers. I realize this is a very rudimentary explanation of a concept I am just beginning to understand myself.

Either way...JULIA TOOK SEVEN INDEPENDENT STEPS TODAY!!!!! HOORAY!!! Handclaps, cartwheels, high-fives and all that!!!!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Whoo-hoooo!!! Oh, Beth, I am rejoicing with you! I know these milestones and her progress is so exciting.

I remember the first time Abby smiled (she was four months old). I can still cry thinking about how thrilled and relieved I was to see her finally reacting to me.